How to Play 7 Card Stud
Seven card stud is played with a regular 52 card deck.
The deal moves clockwise, to the left, player by player, in turn on each hand.
Typically an ante of a set amount is entered by each player to start the pot before cards are dealt.
In casinos, the cards are not dealt by the actual players, but by the casino dealer, and a “button” is placed in front of the player who would be the dealer in turn, clockwise, hand by hand.
After the ante, cards are dealt one by one down around starting with the player left of the dealer and this is repeated so each player has two down cards, then one up card is dealt around to each player.
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Betting then begins with either the player with the highest card showing, or in some casinos, lowest card for the first bet only. Players then either call, raise, or fold in turn starting to the left of the player who placed the opening bet.
If there are two or more cards of the same rank are showing, most home games use first high card to the left of the dealer to place the bet. In casinos, it can go by suit, that is if the first up card deal has two aces, the ace of spades and the ace of clubs, the player with the ace of spades would place the first bet. The suit ranking for this is alphabetical, in reverse, so Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, with Spades being greatest, then Hearts, Diamonds with Clubs the lowest ranking suit.
Another up card is then dealt to each player who has not folded. Now, the highest poker hand of the up cards determine who bets. Suits (flushes) at this point do not matter, nor do straights (cards sequentially next to each other in rank. A pair or the highest pair would bet first, with players to the left of the bettor calling, raising or folding in turn.
This is repeated for a third up card and the same rules of best poker hand for the three up cards determine which player bets.
Likewise, this is repeated for a fourth up card, same rules, with another round of betting.
The seventh card, called the “River” card, is then dealt down to each player. This used to be called “down and dirty,” but that term has fallen out of use except perhaps in home games.
After this final down card is dealt, the player again with the best poker hand showing of his or her up cards bets, checks, or folds. The players still in the hand follow in turn, either calling, folding or raising.
After all raising is over and called, each player makes his best five card poker hand with any of the seven cards dealt to him. High hand takes the pot.